I just wanted to show you a quick, inexpensive
and super duper easy ruffle curtain ~
This is what I am working on
today so I thought I would
show you the steps as I go ~
Curtains like these have been shown in
blogland before but
I am not sure where so if
you know let me know :)
Ikea was my spot to get the curtains because
they are a great price and
the fabric is awesome !
They say not to dry them in the dryer but
I did and the fabric came out kind of like a
lightweight drop cloth feel ~

First I cut the white set to the length
I needed because they come real long ~
Then I ripped 2 lengthwise strips of
the darker about
9 inches wide and sewed them together
to get the correct length for gathering ~

Then I used my handy dandy ruffle foot and
pleated them ~ If you don't have a ruffler just
gather any way that you would like ~
Next I measured and pinned
the ruffle to the bottom
and sewed it on to the curtains ~

I left the edges raw on the ruffle
because I like them like that ~
For the ruffle it just took one of
the darker panels
so I have another one left which is tons
to make pillows out of ~
It would be cute to add another ruffle too !
These are actually for my bedroom but
I would love some outside too !

The pictures kind of look weird but
I was having fun in grittiness with picnik :)
Later today:
I made a pillow with the extra
curtain panel ~
I love the ruffles and rose
{I bet it was hard to tell I LOVE ruffles :) }
You can find it on my website ~