Remember the excitement of the Moonlight Madness sales when you were a kid?
I remember being out late in our local department store with my mother, just waiting for the exciting chaos when a special sale was announced. Shoppers raced from all corners of the store in hot pursuit of a bargain that we were sure we couldn't live with out. Well Make Mine Pink has added that fun back into weekend shopping with the Make Mine PINK TWILIGHT sale.
From 6:00pm-midnight EST on Saturday, you will find unbelievable buys from the Make Mine Pink boutique owners! 6 Hours and 6 hours only - once a month you'll see buys like never before on make Mine Pink. Mark your calendars so that you don't miss this new, monthly event. The first one starts tomorrow October 17th at 6:00PM Est.
The sale items will all show up on one easy to shop section, but as quickly as they appear, they'll be gone at midnight.
Come have some fun if you dare!