La Mode + Santa

Babies Getting to See Santa!!

We have had so muchfun this Christmasseason having two babies to celebratewith!
We really wanted to take them to see Santaeven though we thoughtthey may cry ~
Isaac sat on his lap kind of not surewhat we were doingand Ellie slept throughthe whole event ~

We saw Santa at Bass Pro Shop so therewere some other thingsto do while we were there ~
The babies tried out camping chairs ~

They got to take theirfirst Merry Go Round ride ~

Hung out with Daddy ~

Sat on a buffalo ~

And last... satin front of a huge fireplace ~
Ellie, Noah & Stephanie

Isaac, Kristin & James

Babies with
Grammy & Grampy ~
(Grampy was on his way to work)

Merry Christmas!!